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Relaxing in the Dentist’s Chair with Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry may be beneficial if you suffer from dental anxiety. Most people who are afraid of going to the dentist would rather suffer through the pain associated with their dental problems than meet with the dentist. Sedation dentistry can help you relax any dental fears for a more pleasant experience at the dentist’s office. Brian L. Porter DDS provides dental oral sedation in Baytown for simple and invasive procedures to ensure that you are not in pain during your dental treatments.

Optional Sedation Types

The level of dental anxiety primarily determines the use of oral sedation dentistry in Baytown. The following are some of the sedation dentistry options.

Nitrous Oxide

To help nervous patients, dentists may suggest using nitrous oxide, also called laughing gas, to make your time at the dental office much more comfortable. When used with oxygen connected via a nose mask to the patient’s nose, nitrous oxide gas helps to relax the patient. The dentists can manage the levels of the gas although its effects dissipate quickly. Dr. Brian L. Porter and Dr. Kelley Joo recommend this method of oral sedation in Baytown to patients who want to go back home without assistance after dental procedures.

IV Sedation

If you need to undergo dental treatment but have a lot of anxiety, our dentists at Brian L. Porter DDS might prescribe conscious IV sedation. The dentists will induce the sedative drug through the veins causing the effects to kick in almost immediately. This allows the patient to be conscious and responsive to treatment, but without any worries or anxiety. Dentists can control sedation levels throughout the dental procedure.

Oral Sedation

If you would like to explore oral sedation dentistry in Baytown, look no further than Brian L. Porter DDS. Oral sedation levels can range from mild to moderate and can cause drowsiness among patients although they will remain awake. This method of dental oral sedation in Baytown is the most common because it helps patients to relax in the dentist’s chair for treatment. What’s interesting, you can be easily woken up with a gentle shake.

Final Thoughts

All the sedation options outlined above entail the use of local anesthetics to numb the areas where the dentists will perform dental procedures. If you are struggling with dental anxiety, our Brian L. Porter DDS team offers a variety of oral sedation options in Baytown that will help you overcome your fears.